Friday, May 9, 2008

Living life to its fullest....

Yay! My first post. I have been meaning to start this blog since January... but .... it got stored in the back of my mind. Karen, an MOT II (soon to be MOT III!!), is the one who inspired me. Well, anywho, we had a speaker come in today who had a very informative and inspirational lecture on AOTA. It reminded me of the blog I was going to start. Which brings me back to blogging...

Classes: Neurobiology 10-12, Leadership 1-3

Right now I am almost finished with my first semester of OT school. ONLY 3 WEEKS TO GO! Gosh, I have learned so much these last 5 months! It is funny how much "OT thinking" just becomes a way of life. For example, I was at lunch with my boyfriend's family and we were talking about eating seafood. I responded, "Yuck, I can't eat fish. The flakiness gets to me- its a tactile issue." They gave me those "yah.... ok.... whatever you say" stares. Hahaha.

Side note: My bf, Brian, got into PT school a here at UTHSC!

Back to OT thinking, even now as I am typing this when I should be working on my take-home Peds final- I tell myself, "I'm just balancing my occupations."

I might do like Karen and have a reflective post, eventually... for now I'll talk about my day.

10-3 is a pretty sweet day! I wish we had more of them. During Anatomy, our days ran 8-5. And yes, I am very much aware that this is a typical working day. But for most jobs, when they go home at 5, they don't have 7 hours of lecture notes to decipher through. Can you tell I got told that alot when i complained of long days? hahaha...

Well our lecturer on AOTA today gave a great definition of OT!
" OT helps address the limitations in skills that are needed in daily living..."

Can anyone give me a good definition of OT vs. PT? (Me and Brian get asked that ALOT).

During our presentation, the speaker played the AOTA Presidential Address from the 2008 conference. This was such an inspiring speech! The link is here if you click on "speech".

I love the new AOTA moto: "Living life to its fullest..." cause that is my own personal moto too! It is always fun to have those little reminders that OT is the right profession for me.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Carollll....great job getting a blog up, I'm thrilled! I'm running out the door soon but I'll link you/post you within a day or two. Who was your speaker today?

I can tell I'm going to love your post post!! And thanks for the shout-outs, btw. LOL